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Weird, Wild Stuff: Nine Proposed Appellate Rule Changes You May Want to Weigh In On

The Appellate Court Rules Committee published its Notice of its proposed rule amendments in this month’s The Florida Bar News.  They are proposing a number of changes to no less than 32 different appellate rules.  You can read all of them here.

Here’s what we think about some of these proposals…

We had gut reactions to a few of these, and thought we’d share some of the more interesting ones with you.

Advertisement for the Pittsburg Visible-Writing Machine, with photo of woman in red dress sitting at what appears to be an early typewritier.

If you have any comments on these proposed rule amendments, get them in before August 1, 2019!

  • Amending rule 9.045 to require all appellate documents to be filed in “Arial 14-point or Bookman Old Style 14-point font.”
    • Bookman?  Where did Bookman come from?  Our stuck-in-our-ways reaction is “what’s wrong with Times New Roman?”  Well, a quick Google search shows that many consider Bookman a superior font.  But those same searches name a number of fonts that are an improvement upon Times New Roman (like Garamond, this author’s personal fave outside of the courts).  And also, other studies suggest there’s a difference in readability between serif and non-serif fonts.  So why keep both a serif and a non-serif font rather than just mandate the use of the single best font?
    • We’re curious to see what the ACRC was looking at when they settled on Bookman–and that will be a super-nerdy conversation that we won’t bore you with here, but feel free to give us a call if you’re curious!
  • Amending rule 9.145 to eliminate the requirement that transcripts in juvenile delinquency cases use only a child’s initials, to avoid confusion.
    • Will transcripts in the record be filed under seal, or redacted in some way, to maintain protection for the child?  Is there a corresponding amendment to Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.420 (minimizing the filing of sensitive information) to ensure this privacy?
  • Amending rule 9.170 to clarify that orders denying entitlement to attorneys’ fees and costs are appealable in probate and guardianship cases.
    • Before, the rule suggested only orders awarding fees were appealable.  This is obviously an important clarification if you practice these types of appeals.
  • Amending rule 9.225 to allow argument in a notice of supplemental authority.
    • Whoa.  We see this being used as a tool for parties to effectively file supplemental briefs.  We can also see this being abused for that purpose unless the rule is also amended to limit what can be filed as supplemental authority.  Many judges have personally indicated they do not like notices of supplemental authority that identify old cases, but the rule does not say that explicitly.  A party could potentially go find any relevant case and use it to rectify errors or omissions in its briefs.  Perhaps the new amendment should be accompanied by an amendment limiting notices of supplemental authority to authorities that are created after the date of the last brief of the party that files it.
  • Amending rule 9.300 to do away with the required separate request to toll time in the Florida Supreme Court.
    • Good riddance.  This requirement had no useful purpose.  It only served to increase attorney labor (and thus client costs), reduce judicial economy, and serve as a procedural trap for the unwary.
  • Creates Rule 9.332, providing a procedure for en banc proceedings in circuit court.
    • I’ve not ever had a matter that required such proceedings, but this amendment having been brought to our attention, it seems a really good idea.  We cannot see how the current rule 9.331 could ever be properly applied in a circuit court.  Our thoughts are with the unfortunate souls that have had to figure out how to use rule 9.331 in the circuit court to-date.
  • Amending rule 9.370 to create word limitations (instead of page limitations) on briefs.
    • This follows the federal practice.  We will take word limits over page limits in a heartbeat.
  • Amending rule 9.440 to create limited appearances for appellate proceedings.
    • This may be in response to the Fifth District’s Administrative Order AO5D15-01, Re: Continuances of Oral Argument.  Therein, the Fifth District effectively states that every attorney that appears on a brief, and every attorney in the firm of an attorney that appears on a brief, can be held responsible to appear for oral argument.  If you haven’t read that order and you ever appear on cases in the Fifth District, well, just go read the order.
  • Amending Rule 9.800 to further permit citation to online resources and to eliminate required citation to Florida Law Weekly.
    • Honestly, most Florida appellate courts have been more than forgiving about missing FLW citations for many years now–a logical shift and perhaps tacit recognition that there’s no longer a reason for an FLW cite.  Judicial opinions can be accessed online from any number of free sources, and FLW is (a) a cost-based service (b) not available to everyone, and (c) not the most elegant of interfaces to use (online or in print).  This is a worthwhile amendment that reflects the changing times.

More amendments?  YES!

These proposed amendments follow the extensive amendments that went into effect on January 1, 2019, which we’ve covered extensively.  See, e.g., Almost Every Florida Appellate Rule Changes on New Years’ Day 2019; Now You Can Appeal Two More Types of Nonfinal Orders.  If you haven’t checked those amendments out, make sure you do!

What do you think?  Let us know, and let the ACRC know!

So what do you think of these proposed amendments?  Agree/Disagree?  Are there any others you would want us to address?  Let us know.  And even more importantly, send any comments to Thomas D. Hall, Incoming Chair of the Appellate Court Rules Committee, at, and to Bar attorney liaison, Hether Telfer, at

Is Good Friday a Court Holiday? (2019 Edition)

West front of the
Church of Notre Dame
Drawn by A. Pugin ;
engraved by J. Tingle.

You’ve calculated a deadline for a filing for Friday, April 19, 2019. That happens to be Good Friday. Is your filing due? It depends on if you’re in federal or state court.

Are you in a Florida state court? Then yes!

Good Friday is not one of the enumerated holidays in Florida Rule of Judicial Procedure 2.514(a)(6)(A) (.pdf) (defining “Legal Holiday”), but the rules also allow each clerk’s office or court’s chief judge to separately designate additional holidays. See Fla. R. Jud. P. 2.514(a)(6)(B) (defining a holiday as “any day observed as a holiday by the clerk’s office or as designated by the chief judge”). Using that latter rule, every Florida court has independently recognized Friday, April 19 as a Holiday in 2019 (and has historically closed on Good Friday, though you should check every year to be sure). So Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

Don’t just take our word for it, though. Here’s a handy list of links to each court’s holiday page:

Florida Appellate Courts

Florida Circuit Courts

Are you in federal court? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news…

Neither the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals nor the federal district courts of Florida close on Good Friday.

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This post is an update and expansion to our previous post,

If you want to get updates on court holidays and other appellate happenings, subscribe to this blog under the “FLORIDA APPELLATE PROCEDURE UPDATES BY EMAIL” in the right-hand column on this screen.

1922 Photograph of five women in a room full of filing cabinets, filing documents

Second District Clerk Shares Details About Today’s Transition to the Portal

1922 Photograph of five women in a room full of filing cabinets, filing documents

Happy Filing Everyone!

Today, December 14, is the day the Second District transitions to accepting filings through the statewide E-Filing Portal.  The Honorable Mary Beth Kuenzel, Clerk of the Second District, kindly shared some details about what that will mean for us practitioners as we change our procedures.  This information follows up on our prior blog post with information from press releases and the Florida Bar News.

The eDCA is still alive and well.

Filing will occur through the portal, but that does not mean the end of the eDCA.  Practitioners can still go to the eDCA to review dockets and case information, download filed documents, and obtain briefs from other cases.  In fact, practitioners can still go there to file documents–the difference is that upon clicking the link to file a document in the eDCA, the website will redirect you to the Portal filing page.

The eDCA can still be practitioners’ main entry point for everything, including filing, if they so choose.

E-Service is now accomplished upon filing!

One of the advantages of filing through the statewide portal is that filing there constitutes service upon all parties for whom e-service is permitted.  No longer will practitioners need to separately serve documents via email.

E-mail notifications from the court will change.

Previously, upon filing a document through the eDCA, the clerk would review the documents and the system would send out a “Casemail” e-mail notification upon the clerk entering the document on the docket.

With the Portal handling entry of documents on the docket, those “Casemail” notifications will be a thing of the past.  But Clerk Kuenzel informs us that the clerk’s office will still conduct its preliminary review of all filings for compliance with rules, proper categorization, etc.

The Portal will still handle filing fees for the Second District, and will soon handle them statewide.

The Second District (as the test court for the District Courts of Appeal for Portal filing) has always been able to accept filing fees through the Portal.  That will not change, so if you’ve been using the portal to pay your DCA fees, keep right on doing it.  To date, however, none of the other districts have access to the Portal for filing fees.  When the other four districts go live on the Portal in January, they too will be able to accept filing fees electronically.

This is a big step towards completing a long-time goal.

The Florida Supreme Court has had a long-stated goal of having a single portal in which to file in all courts in Florida.  While there have been setbacks, today’s transition for the Second DCA and the upcoming transition for the other DCAs is a major step towards finally achieving that goal.

Give yourself extra time to make your first few filings.

Our office had two filings in the Second District today, and discovered an additional tip to share with you: leave yourself extra time for the first Portal filing in an appellate case. The service emails are not yet set up in the Portal, so it will take some time to add each party to be served in the Portal. Once you’ve done it once, though, it should be set up for all future filings. Happy filing!