Typography for Lawyers: The Book

I’ve mentioned in the past that I am a fan of the Typography for Lawyers website. So I was downright giddy when its proprietor, Matthew Butterick, e-mailed me and offered me a review copy of his new book of the same name. It’s on my nightstand now, and I am looking forward to doing a full review over the holidays.

But in the meantime, let me say this much: It’s Puuuurty. And eminently practical as well — stay tuned for a more thorough review!

Through the Front Door

I’ve experienced the majesty of entering the U.S. Supreme Court through its hallowed front doors. As things currently stand, my children won’t have that same privilege.

Last May, the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it had decided to close the famous front door to the public for security reasons. Some in Congress don’t like it. The Washington Post is hoping that Rep. Anna Eshoo’s resolution to re-open those doors will, at the very least, open a dialog about the price of so-called security.

I must say, I hope so too. I understand the fear of living and working in the center of government; I do. I will never forget trudging out of the Capitol complex, past armed guards who sprang out of nowhere to guard the front of the Supreme Court, to try to get out of what was likely the line of fire on 9/11. Still, there must be a way to ensure security without destroying the symbolism of the Court. At some point, security without freedom is no security at all.

Kagan Sworn In

Welcome, Justice Kagan. May you be principled in your decision making.