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Judge Rosenbaum Confirmed for Eleventh Circuit

The Honorable Robin Rosenbaum has been confirmed as the newest member of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Appointed to fill the vacancy left by the retirement of the Honorable Rosemary Barkett, Judge Rosenbaum flew through the Senate (in part because she so recently flew through the Senate as an appointment […]

The Proof is in the Record, not the Pudding

The Fourth District Court of Appeal today gives us a humorous reminder of the importance of making a proper record before the trial court, and ensuring that record is before the appellate court. In this mortgage foreclosure action, the trial court granted involuntary dismissal because the Bank moved a copy of the Original Note, rather […]

Is Good Friday a Court Holiday? It Depends

Today an attorney asked me to confirm whether his deadline was really today under the rules, or if the deadline rolled to Monday. And I told him what I am telling you: it depends! What court are you in? As I’ve explained before, Florida Rule of Judicial Administration Rule 2.514 clarifies what constitutes a legal […]